Sabado, Hulyo 16, 2011

0003 – Operations Master Plan

Operations plan, dynamic forecast, master business strategy, these are terms we frequently use in the company to refer to our plans. We have weekly plans, monthly plans, 5-year plans, we just can’t get enough of it.
Personally, I’ve never really had a plan written down. Sure I’d make mental notes whenever I think of something I’d like to do, or a place I’d want to go, or a state I’d want to be. But except for my day-to-day tasks, I’ve never really listed what I wanted to do with my life. Perhaps that’s because I believe that plans, just like promises, are made to be broken. Plans are rarely followed anyway. Sometimes, we take so much time piecing a great plan but it never really gets executed the way we wanted it to be. And most often than not, though things happen differently, they somehow work just fine (even if they don’t look that way at first).
Last week, when I found out about my friend’s migration, I told her that none of what she’d planned and promised a few years go happened. She said, “ok lang, masaya naman eh”. None of what’s happening has been in the plan, but things just fell into place. And the changes were welcomed. I was really happy to see another living proof of happy endings (or beginnings, both of them are applicable anyway).

There are lots of things we can’t control. But the ego in us couldn’t really accept that, and we do things to try to change the try to make things happen according to our plan. It gets tiring to do that. Let’s not mess with things that are not up to us anyway. That’s easy to say, but really hard to do.

This week, I suddenly came across a fork in the road, in my career. It was something I wouldn’t have really thought of, but since I was asked, I now had to think about it. This is not in my plan, not my comfort zone. It could be a detour, or it could be a complete change in direction. I don’t really know, and I won’t know until I get there. So there are a lot of questions popping in my mind right now. I have discussed this with a few friends, and they’ve been really helpful, but they’ve given me more to think about. I know I have to shorten that list. I know I should lay down all considerations and plan out where this would lead. But as much as I would like to have a clear plan on this, right now, I just want to trust that this is happening for a good reason J

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